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Forms & Questionnaires
Clients & Results
Forms & Questionnaires
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13 Questions to Consider
29 Executive Questions
AA Twenty Questions
Am I an Addict?
Are you willing?
Business Completion
Burnout Questions
Business Partnership Questions
CEO High Performance Questions
CEO Questionnaire
Check In
Choice Questions
Choosing Conversations
Coaching Completion
Coaching Questions
Color Insight Questions
Context Questions
Dysfunctional Checklist
Emotional Intelligence Checklist
Empowering Enlightened Leaders
Event Completion
Executive Assistant Questions
Executive Consulting Questions
Inner Wealth
Intake Form
Managing Complex Change
Mastering Leadership: Powerful Questions
New Project
New Year Completion Questions
Questions for Staff
Powerful Questions
Pre-Flight Checklist
Project Form
Relationship Completion
Relationship Responsibility Questions
Spirit Questions
Superior Man
Ten Questions for Leaders
The Context of Thriving at Work
Transformation Questions
Weak Words
Weekly Check In
Big Love Assessment
Powerful Questions from “Mastering Leadership”
First Name
Last Name
Promise of Leadership
What is possible and who cares?
Are you creating an organization you would want your children to work in?
Do you demonstrate love for those you are leading? How?
How do you model the courage that you want from those around you?
If this organization no longer existed, what would be lost to the world? Would that matter? Why?
Leadership Effectiveness and Business Performance
How effective is your leadership? How do you know? How does this compare to industry peers?
Is your leadership developing at the pace to stay relevant? How do you know?
What is it about the way you show up that prevents others from providing you with well-intended feedback?
Are you effective in achieving what matters or just very busy?
Would you follow you?
Mastery, Maturity, Consciousness and Complexity
What is your fundamental reason for existing?
We have two choices. Face reality or ramp up our delusions. Which do you choose regularly?
What is this problem forcing you to learn? What do you need to learn in order for this problem to completely go away, to completely dissolve?
What if you knew with certainty that you are the cause and never the effect of what is happening around you?
What is your cannot not - the one thing that you just cannot keep yourself from doing?
Stages of Development
How long has it been since your world was rocked to its core by something you learned?
What refusal have you been postponing?
What's the toll of not living your truth each day? Each moment?
When it's all over, what do you want people to say about you and what you contributed?
Where do your passions and talents intersect with the world's greatest need?
Five Levels of Leadership
When was the last time you risked it all to become way more than you are now?
How do you get in your own way?
Are you waiting on others to give you permission to be great?
If you were living life more authentically, what would you be doing differently? How would you be different?
Are you prepared to live in the world with its harsh need to change you?
The Universal Model and Metrics
What do you care enough about to stand for now?
What is non-negotiable for you?
In any given moment, is the context defining how you show up, or is it informing how you show up?
If your soul could speak, what would it say about what is important to you and why?
How is the system shaping you, and how are you shaping it?
The Leadership System
What is the organization that, if it existed, would put you out of business?
What would the soul of your organization say about its enduring reason for being - beyond money or stakeholder value?
What are your individual, team and organizational non-negotiables?
If the system had a voice, what would she say to us right now?
What voice of the system brings both compassion and understanding to the harsh realities in which we find ourselves?
Reactive Leadership
Do you love more than you fear?
What is the energetic cost of how you show up? To yourself? To others?
How much of what you are afraid of has ever actually happened?
How do the voice of fear and the voice of love speak to you? Which one gets most of your attention?
What if I stopped waiting for those around me to do most of the changing?
Reactive Leadership at Work
Without vision the people perish. What, in your organization, is perishing?
Fear is information. It can also be F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). If you wade through both, what is left for you to do?
There is no safe way to be great. No great way to be safe. Where do you stand?
Is our culture one that turns achievement into failure or failure into achievement?
Why you? Why this team at this point in your company's history?
Creative Leadership
Doesn't everything die at last and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
What's worthy of your life's blood?
What must you be about with your life, else you are living someone else's life?
What would be lost in the world if you were to deny your purpose?
What would you do if you could? If you know you could not fail and would not be fired?
Six Leadership Practices
Follow your bliss. If it brings you joy, do more of it. What brings you joy, what brings you life? How could you do more of it?
What is your vision of the compelling future that serves generations to come?
What if you started your next important meeting with the question, "What are we not going to tell the truth about today?" What's your answer?
If courage is the willingness to move forward in the face of disapproval, who are you going to disappoint?
What is the deeper intuitive knowing, hunch, or gut sense that you must now usher in through your leadership?
What is it that most wants and needs to happen in the system in which you find yourself?
Integral Leadership
What is your contribution to the problems that so frustrate you?
How are you the enemy? The enemy you see in others?
What are you laying your life down for?
How much compassion do you practice on a daily basis for youself and others? How willing are you to forgive yourself and others?
How are you destroying the world? How are you saving the world?
What ego strategies have you exhausted and which ones continue to exhaust you? How would you live if you know that ego fulfillment is an illusion?
To what are you attached, that if you let go of, would set you free?
Have you opened your love to the great love? Are you helping people you have never known and may never see?
Have you ever been introduced to the "you" that pre-dates you, that wants for nothing, that has nothing to lose, and that does not need development and never did?
Developmental questions that reliably boot up the Creative Mind.
The principle at work is creating a vision / purpose bigger than the underlying fear, thus making attainment of the vision worth the risk.
How am I playing not-to-lose?
How am I getting in my own way?
What do I really want?
What would I do if I could?
How would I lead if I knew I could not fail or would not get fired?
For Leaders who've received their Leadership Circle Profile:
How are my Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies contributing to my standing for a vision of greatness for the organization?
How are my Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies serving to support, or undermine, alignment among key stakeholders toward that vision?
Thank you!