First Name
Last Name
Is this objective my own?
Am I free from burden, guilt, or sacrifice as I move forward?
Do I think I should or have to accomplish this in a way that drags me down?
Is it so significant that I'll be hampered in my efforts?
Can I have it be not significant and remove my fear/worry/doubt?
Will achieving this objective forward my business, enhance my profitability, or improve my personal life?
Will it help fulfill one or more of my life goals?
Is it worth doing?
When I imagine it complete, is it truly satisfying?
Is this objective able to be measured?
Can I tell when it has been accomplished?
Have I set a date when it will be done?
Am I challenged and inspired by this objective, or is it simply predictable, i.e. merely an extension of the past?
Am I fully committed to the outcome, regardless of circumstances that may arise, or is this only a wish, only to be accomplished if things go my way?
Is my objective written down and part of my environment to call me to action?
Have I communicated it to others and made it public?
Do I have the support of key people in my environment/community?
Do I have a coach for my objective?
Is my coach as committed to my success as I am?
Am I coachable?