In the face of our current circumstances, we all have the opportunity to reset our lives. Although I work a four day week, through this time I have seen opportunities where I can be more effective and more efficient…
What to do? Who to be?
Success Should Feel Different, Shouldn't It?
"How do you start your day?"
Love or Fear?
Chasing The Dysfunctional Dollar...
Is it happening now? Are you staying at a job 'just for the money.' Or did you just leave a place where it was happening? You couldn't put up with the B.S. anymore and you 'just had to leave.' Dysfunction is defined as abnormality or impairment of function. Is work hard and frustrating? Or boring and slow? Are the people around you procrastinators, workaholics or perfectionists? Are you just going through the motions? Would you do what you are doing for work for free?
Life Didn't Turn Out The Way I Thought It Would...
As I grew up, I realized what I wanted and didn't want from life. It wasn't till I was thirty-five, I realized I was living life in reaction to my father. I wanted what he had without paying the price he paid. But this is not a choice, it's a reaction. That was the year I began to design my life and live my choices. Fifteen years later, I again realized I was living in reaction and it was hidden under a truck load of denial. So I got to work on that. Today I have a life that is unrecognizable.
The Price Of Freedom
Do you feel the freedom to be completely yourself, expressing your full range of thoughts and emotions in any situation?If you are like most people, you may notice that you tend to act one way in certain situations, and a completely different way in others. Between work life, family life, love life, and the world of personal interests and passions, many people feel they need to adapt themselves to accommodate each of these different facets of life. Because after all, “What would people think if they knew this about me?” Thinking this way is so common we rarely realize we even do it.
Home for the Holidays?
Most people place a great deal of significance and meaning on the holidays. Others try to ignore them completely. Please take a moment to read about and then pay attention to some of the challenges and opportunities of the holidays. In spite of old family dynamics, it is an opportunity for love and relationship with our friends, families and communities.
Your Perfect Life?
Being Vs Doing
A client asked me if I could elaborate on the difference of "Being" vs. "Doing". Doing without being is just busy activity. Most people react to this by procrastination and laziness or waiting till the last minute and then cramming.
The other reaction to doing for the sake of doing is cramming and grinding. This is doing three more things before you leave for your appointment in 9 minutes and then making yourself late. It's making a list of 27 things you HAVE to do today and then no matter how many you do, you are still not satisfied and here comes tomorrow with another 27 things PLUS the leftovers from today